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Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk - Delaware Beaches, DE

Sat November 16, 2024 Lewes, DE 19958 US Directions

Top Donors

$9,544 Raised By 109 Donors

$1,200 from Anonymous
$625 on behalf of Old Cedar Campground
$500 from Anonymous
$343 on behalf of R.J. Machine Company
$250 on behalf of Dennis Sullivan
$250 on behalf of Kim Mason
$250 from Anonymous
$250 on behalf of Rogers Signs Co., Inc.
$250 on behalf of Rondeau Family
$200 from Anonymous
$150 on behalf of Thomas Jackson
$120 On Behalf Of John and Shelley Flickinger
$100 on behalf of Becky Gansauer
$100 on behalf of Blair Rogers
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Cathy Peters
$100 on behalf of Christopher & Andrew
$100 on behalf of Christopher Burns
$100 on behalf of Christopher Donadio
$100 on behalf of Donna Guarnaccia
$100 on behalf of Ed Hilligoss
$100 on behalf of Gilbert DiGioia
$100 on behalf of June Aydelotte
$100 on behalf of Lauren Murray
$100 on behalf of Linda & Bart Delaney
$100 on behalf of Linda McDermott
$100 on behalf of Lorraine Manco
$100 on behalf of Mark P. Whitford
$100 on behalf of Mary Ward Hutchison
$100 on behalf of Matthew Servello
$100 on behalf of Meghan Killian
$100 on behalf of Miller Fam
$100 on behalf of Niamh Kiernan
$100 on behalf of Nina Van Hook
$100 on behalf of Olivia Bergenholtz
$100 on behalf of Rhea Treuting
$100 on behalf of Stephanie Ingersoll
$100 on behalf of Timothy Holton
$100 on behalf of Todd Keen
$100 on behalf of Tony Elgin
$100 on behalf of William Westdyk
$75 on behalf of Patricia Petrecca
$75 on behalf of Tom Finn
$50 on behalf of Betty Carmean
$50 on behalf of Bill Fitch
$50 on behalf of Chris Dionadio
$50 on behalf of Chris Mcgrath
$50 on behalf of Chris Rimmer
$50 on behalf of Christina Mathioudis
$50 on behalf of Cornelius Gore
$50 on behalf of Deborah Breneman
$50 on behalf of Deborah Zwicke
$50 on behalf of Diane & David
$50 on behalf of Dinah Hanson
$50 on behalf of Friends from 684
$50 on behalf of Herbert Kaufer
$50 on behalf of John & Linda Maher
$50 on behalf of JOHN BUSCEMA
$50 on behalf of Kenneth Ames
$50 on behalf of Kevin Thawley
$50 on behalf of Lisa Kuszony
$50 on behalf of Margie MacLeish
$50 on behalf of MARK HERR
$50 on behalf of Mark Rossney
$50 on behalf of Roberta Walter
$50 on behalf of Scott Bourdreau
$50 on behalf of Stacey Crouch
$50 on behalf of Trey and Susan
$30 on behalf of Jean Poehlmann
$26 on behalf of Chris Leal
$25 on behalf of Arleen Murchison
$25 on behalf of Barbara Coburn
$25 on behalf of Chip Simpson
$25 on behalf of Cindy Brown
$25 on behalf of Daniel Polidoro
$25 on behalf of Danielle Brosnan
$25 on behalf of DARLENE MATTHES
$25 on behalf of Dawn Hollinger
$25 on behalf of Debbie Quillen
$25 on behalf of Donna Kaser
$25 on behalf of Emily Pacifico
$25 on behalf of Jeff Raymond
$25 on behalf of Joan Wood
$25 on behalf of John V Raymond
$25 on behalf of Karen Fernandez
$25 on behalf of Kathy Kresko
$25 on behalf of Mary Ann Warrington
$25 on behalf of Mary Gallagher
$25 on behalf of Michael Allison
$25 on behalf of Michelle Signora
$25 on behalf of Mike Inman
$25 on behalf of Missy Davis
$25 on behalf of Patrick Boyle
$25 on behalf of RICHARD STREY
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Teri Welsh
$20 on behalf of Jules Woodall
$20 on behalf of Susan Nelson
$15 on behalf of Karen Brown
$15 on behalf of Richard Glisci
$10 on behalf of deborah hinderer
$10 on behalf of Elizabeth M Tucker
$10 on behalf of Jonathan Steila
$10 on behalf of Joshua Wright
$10 on behalf of Neil Trugman
$10 on behalf of Robert Fitzgerald
$10 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of David Hantman
$5 from Anonymous


Addison Nikodemski
$0 Goal
Alan Bluto
$0 Goal
Alan Quillen
$0 Goal
Alan Teal
$0 Goal
Alexis Guzman
$0 Goal
Alicia Richey
$0 Goal
Alisza Phares
$0 Goal
Allen Jackson
$1,875 Raised
Amanda Armstrong
$0 Goal
Amanda Schleifer
$0 Goal
Amber Rhodes
$0 Goal
Amy Linzey
$0 Goal
Anastasia Greenburgh
$0 Goal
Andrew Deinert
$0 Goal
Angie Everett
$0 Goal
Ann Hurlock
$0 Goal
Annmarie Fenton-Kowrach
$0 Goal
Arleen Murchison
$25 Raised
Arnold Abbott
$0 Goal
Aubrey Pumphrey
$0 Goal
Barbara Guthrie
$0 Goal
Barbara Hansen
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Becky Gansauer
$400 Raised
Ben Schnatterly
$0 Goal
Bennett Curry
$0 Goal
Bennett Richey
$0 Goal
Bethanne Mills
$0 Goal
Beverly Dimuro
$0 Goal
Bill Ramsey
$0 Goal
Bonnie Garo
$0 Goal
Brian S. Gilsenan
$0 Goal
Brooke Widdoes
$0 Goal
Cade Nikodemski
$0 Goal
Carlos Hernandez
$0 Goal
Carly Pumphrey
$0 Goal
Carol Larkin
$0 Goal
Carol Muldoon
$0 Goal
Carole Wehn
$100 Raised
Carter Shockley
$0 Goal
Cary Tucker
$0 Goal
Casey Lewis
$0 Goal
Cassidy Cook
$0 Goal
Catherine Wagoner
$0 Goal
Cathy Peters
$100 Raised
Cathy Ramsey
$0 Goal
Cecilia Carter
$0 Goal
Chance Gunter
$0 Goal
Charles Burton
$0 Goal
Cheryl Justison
$0 Goal
Chip Simpson
$25 Raised
Chris Foard
$0 Goal
Chris Leal
$26 Raised
Christian Wailes
$0 Goal
Christina Mathioudis
$50 Raised
Christine Emery
$0 Goal
Christopher Burns
$100 Raised
Christopher Donadio
$100 Raised
Christopher Houlday
$0 Goal
Christopher Whitford
$100 Raised
Claire Cantwell
$0 Goal
Corryn Nikodemski
$0 Goal
Courtney Padgett
$0 Goal
Cynthia Glace
$0 Goal
Darrell Wire
$0 Goal
David Everett
$0 Goal
David Hantman
$5 Raised
David Pulcinella
$0 Goal
David Repass
$0 Goal
deborah hinderer
$10 Raised
Deborah Rementer
$0 Goal
Denise Kessel
$0 Goal
Dennis Kiernan
$0 Goal
Diane Hanley
$0 Goal
Don Coburn
$25 Raised
Donald Van Hook
$0 Goal
Donna Kushner
$0 Goal
Donna Smith
$0 Goal
Dusty Shockley
$0 Goal
Elizabeth M Tucker
$10 Raised
elizabeth Morton
$0 Goal
Elizabeth Teal
$0 Goal
Emily Hatfield
$0 Goal
Emily Lewis
$0 Goal
Erin Bennett
$0 Goal
Fran Germann
$0 Goal
Garrett Boland
$0 Goal
Gary Peters
$0 Goal
Georgia Foard
$0 Goal
Gina Worthen
$0 Goal
Gloria Whitford
$0 Goal
Hannah Feist
$0 Goal
Harold Jerman
$0 Goal
Herbert Kaufer
$50 Raised
Jackie Martin
$0 Goal
James Deinert
$0 Goal
Jared Owens
$0 Goal
Jason Bennett
$0 Goal
Jeffrey Jablon
$0 Goal
Jennifer Murray
$0 Goal
Jennifer Pettry
$0 Goal
Jeremy Nikodemski
$0 Goal
Jerry Jerman
$0 Goal
Jerry Parisi
$0 Goal
Jesse Worthern
$0 Goal
Jody Repass
$0 Goal
John Andre
$0 Goal
John Dimuro
$0 Goal
John Forrest
$0 Goal
John Fuchs
$0 Goal
John Repass
$0 Goal
John Tucker
$0 Goal
John Walters
$0 Goal
Jon Cordova
$0 Goal
Jonathan Steila
$10 Raised
Jonathon gieron
$0 Goal
Jose Chavez
$0 Goal
Joseph Polifroni
$0 Goal
Joseph Smith
$0 Goal
Joshua Wright
$10 Raised
Jules Woodall
$20 Raised
Justin Richey
$0 Goal
Justin Smith
$0 Goal
Kaelin Corr
$0 Goal
Kaitlyn Gilsenan
$0 Goal
Kara Hoffman
$0 Goal
Karen Brown
$15 Raised
Karen Forrest
$0 Goal
Karen Kaufman
$0 Goal
Kathy Kresko
$0 Goal
Kathy Murphy
$0 Goal
Katina Hernandez
$0 Goal
Kellan Feist
$0 Goal
Kelly Lehman
$0 Goal
Ken Wehn
$0 Goal
Kenny Scott
$0 Goal
Kim Golden
$0 Goal
Kurt Rossney
$0 Goal
Lauri Maxwell
$0 Goal
Leslie Ruth
$0 Goal
Liam Toltowicz
$0 Goal
Lisa Bluto
$0 Goal
Lisa Feist
$0 Goal
Lisa Moynihan
$0 Goal
Lisa Wynn
$0 Goal
Liz Donnelly
$0 Goal
Logan Cantwell
$0 Goal
Lori Leal
$0 Goal
Louise Holt
$0 Goal
Marc Whitford
$0 Goal
Marcus Swaney
$0 Goal
Margaret Flanagan
$0 Goal
Margaret Servello
$100 Raised
Margie MacLeish
$50 Raised
Marianne Foard
$0 Goal
Marie Burton
$0 Goal
Mariette Heavey
$0 Goal
Marjorie ADams
$0 Goal
Mark Houlday
$0 Goal
Mark J Houlday
$0 Goal
Mark Widdoes
$0 Goal
Mary Koester
$0 Goal
Matt Sparacino
$0 Goal
Matthew Donnelly
$0 Goal
Matthew Glace
$0 Goal
Maureen Higgins
$0 Goal
Meg Rapp
$0 Goal
Melissa Wiley
$0 Goal
Meredith Hovermill
$0 Goal
Meretia Consalvo
$0 Goal
Michael Curry
$0 Goal
Michael Gilsenan
$0 Goal
Michael Mitchell
$0 Goal
Michael Servello
$0 Goal
Mike Piorkowski
$0 Goal
Morgan Widdoes
$0 Goal
Nancy Boland
$250 Raised
Nancy Derrickson
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Neil Trugman
$10 Raised
Niamh Kiernan
$100 Raised
Nicklaus Toltowicz
$0 Goal
Nina Van Hook
$100 Raised
Nolan Richey
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Pat Procaccini
$0 Goal
Patricia Anderson
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Patricia Petrecca
$75 Raised
Patricia Price-Abbott
$0 Goal
Patrick Kisela
$0 Goal
Paul Massuli
$0 Goal
Pete Williamson
$0 Goal
Phil Kessel
$0 Goal
Phyllis Jerman
$0 Goal
Quinn Feist
$0 Goal
Rachel Foard
$0 Goal
Raymond Hanley
$0 Goal
Richard Glisci
$15 Raised
$25 Raised
Robert Dobak
$0 Goal
Robert Fitzgerald
$10 Raised
Robert Kushner
$0 Goal
Robert Muldoon
$0 Goal
Robert Schleifer
$0 Goal
Roberta Meltzer
$25 Raised
Ruth Fuchs
$0 Goal
Ryan Carnahan
$0 Goal
Sadie Pumphrey
$0 Goal
Sam Piazza
$0 Goal
Samantha Deleon
$0 Goal
Sandra Siple
$0 Goal
Scott Fenton
$0 Goal
Sean Wagoner
$0 Goal
Shane Boland
$0 Goal
Sherry Chapple
$10 Raised
Sierra Wehn
$0 Goal
Siobhan Ciccarello
$0 Goal
Stephen Meltzer
$0 Goal
Steve Koester
$0 Goal
Steve Pumphrey
$0 Goal
Steven Anderson
$0 Goal
Steven Beal
$0 Goal
Stuart Gunter
$0 Goal
Susan Luebbe
$0 Goal
Susan Meriwether
$0 Goal
Susie Armstrong
$0 Goal
Suzanne Rau
$0 Goal
Tabitha Palkewicz
$0 Goal
Ted Reese
$0 Goal
Teresa Glazeski
$0 Goal
Teresa Schleifer
$0 Goal
Teri Welsh
$25 Raised
Thomas Grimaldi
$0 Goal
Tim Abbott
$0 Goal
Tim Siple
$0 Goal
Timothy Holton
$475 Raised
Tony Mendez
$0 Goal
Tonya Widdoes
$0 Goal
Tracey Manoff
$0 Goal
Tracy Hancock
$0 Goal
Tracy Kelley
$0 Goal
Trevor Feist
$0 Goal
Vicki DiVittorio
$0 Goal
Vicki Edwards
$0 Goal
Victoria Wittenberg
$5 Raised
Wendy Cooney
$0 Goal
$0 Goal
Whitney Sweeney
$0 Goal
William Deinert
$0 Goal
WILLIAM Mcgovern
$0 Goal

Team Fundraisers

$1,368 Raised
First State Webfooters
$140 Raised
In Memory of Mark P. Whitford
$100 Raised
Team Showfield
$2,470 Raised
Tim's Tunnel to Towers 5K Run
$1,125 Raised
Trinity Solar- Christopher Donadio
$550 Raised

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